The Trying Force
"Something started to feel wild in the wind. An untamed beast was on the prowl, I could just feel it. Trying to shrug off the idea I knew I’d have to face it in due time.
Eventually a scream came through the darkness and howling wind. It demanded my surrender. It wanted to steal my peace, my solitude, and my freedom. Every sliver of happiness I had within me was at stake. And this beast wanted it all, nothing specific, just everything.
I turned around to be confronted by a growling monster, disguised by the nights shadow. I could see its snarling expression and snaky eyes. I knew then I was obviously doing something right. For the enemy was riled and it didn't want me on this destiny.
Face to face with this thing, I spoke to it, saying, “I’m taking this to the end. I’ll fight it out, tooth and nail, I’ll even bleed out if it means defeating you. Stopping me you won’t. Failing is all you‘ll have to gain.”
I cracked a smile and laughed. “Oh the gull” this monster must have thought.
I turned back around with confidence. The wind faded behind me. And my tedious walk forward started once again.
Beside dark pitfalls and blotted traps, I veered here and there. Time went on and the eastern sky erupted into a glow. The sun shined upon my face. I cheered and whooped, for I had just walked through one my darkest nights and had driven away that threatening beast. “