Rivers and Bends


The river flows with golden light and harmony.

But beyond the bend lies a restless hour. The skies will grow angry and build into a monstrous storm. Lightning will flash in the night and thunder will be it’s melody.

Scenes that are filled with beauty have been ravaged by a storm or two. Just as the river I walked beside today. It’s banks have been battered time and time again. But as the sun went down, beauty was all around me. The rippling water, dark shadowy banks, swaying trees, and warm light showed me that a place could endure a lot and still hold a unique beauty. 

It got me thinking. . .

If we go through life always seeing the bad or anticipating the bad to happen then we’ll never realize the artistry and blessings that are right in front of us. We’ll never be able to see the good if we’re focused only on the dingy riverbanks and mucky waters. 

An unknown terror may come from beyond the bend. But there is something greater. . .

Psalm 135:5 “For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods.”

Never Stop Shooting (Used SonyA7iii+28-105mm Nikon lens+lens converter)


Branding Update


With Each Crashing Wave