Researching Your Ancestry


Researching back 400+ years in my ancestry recently I’ve been able to find that my direct ancestors were; English, Irish, Scottish, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Norwegian, French, and Cherokee.
Let that sink in.

All of these countries and differences of people from all over the world that I’m apart of and yet here I am. Standing on American soil. Was born on American soil. The very soil my great Grandfathers fought for back in the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War. . .

You get a sense of respect when you actually put time into studying and investigating your family’s history. The hardships and trials my great Grandparents went through is humbling. Most of them literally came from nothing but were able to build and influence surrounding communities that soon lead to a piece of wonderful history in this great nation.

So before we cast judgment at anyone let us have common sense and actually think before launching our hate and disgust on them. And chances are you might find that you’re related to that person somehow anyway. . . (Adam and Eve)
We all bleed red.
God Bless the USA.
Do your Research.


Dark Days Brighter Light


Never Stop Shooting Intro/Outro