Re-adjusting Your Focus

The past few weeks have been a little crazy to say the least. I think anyone reading this would agree. I had a road trip/backpacking trip planned with my buddy, Colten, to the Zion National Park, at the end of March. It was going to be over a 2500 mile trip with a lot of driving, exploring, hiking, taking pictures, and fishing. Sadly, it got canceled due to this ‘pandemic’. But, it hasn’t stopped me from exploring and capturing stuff nearby my stomping grounds. For instance, a few days ago I was able to film a friends successful turkey hunt! Check out the video here:

For me, when things get crazy I re-adjust focus on my goals. Whether those are travel goals, photography goals, fitness goals, creativity goals, etc… It just keeps me engaged on what needs to be executed and accomplished for the time being. The Zion National Park trip will be for another day. The good thing is, is that it’s given me more time to work on the rest of my goals. So when life throws you a curve ball just re-focus, adapt, and make the best of it.

Stay active, get outside, and Never Stop Shooting.

Recent videos and photos on IG:


Explored a downtown area with my cousin.


A Change From Within


Camera Upgrade - Sony A7iii