Pushing and Pulling The Plow


We’ve all heard it said before, “You learn something new everyday.” 

I often thought of that phrase as a kid. And what I realize now is that it’s definitely true. Each and every day is another chance to learn something new whatever that may be. Whether it’s in our jobs, hobbies, reading, listening, conversations with others, etc. . . 

I’ve had a quote written on a white board in my room for awhile that says “When you really pay attention everything is your teacher.” 

As we go into new avenues in our jobs, hobbies, and interests I think of it as pushing or pulling a plow. That plow being your skill set and experience. 

When we are met with something new do you go head first and drag your plow (hoping for the best and learning along the way)? Or do you push your plow (allowing your wisdom and experience to guide you; remaining cautious)?

Sometimes we just have to go head first into something that we don’t really know anything about. As we go further along in the field our plow is digging for us. Accepting the challenges we go through and adding those experiences to the plow is how we keep learning, innovating, and discovering.

Always being cautious and afraid (remaining behind the plow) allows a lot of opportunities to slip through our hands.

To pull the plow you put yourself in position of humility, pain, and mistakes. It takes a lot of courage to do it. But in doing so your fields will grow and prosper.

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