Getting Lost To Find Something


“Getting lost to find something.”

There’s something to that. 
Perhaps though we aren’t lost in some moments. 
Many lost moments can be soul seeking opportunities.

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Awhile back the cover and title of a book had its eyes on me. So, with the need for motivation and my lingering curiosity... I purchased the book. 

Finding seclusion from all the noise around me, I grabbed for some headphones and zoned in to read with intense concentration. 

I learned that the expressions inside were nowhere near to what I had anticipated. But it grasped me by the first page. And I got lost in it. I got lost in the words and story. 

Think of all of the songs, books, paintings, photos, and art that have been made from people getting lost in their craftsmanship and process of creating. 

I’m just one person out of 7 billion on this planet. And somehow I ended up getting lost in a certain book at a certain time and got inspired by someone who got lost in their creation.

How words link together with all of their connectivity. How images are visualized from the eye to brain. How winds push a tree’s branches to swaying rhythm. How a bird takes flight through the crisp morning air. Getting lost in art and creation is an amazing thing. 

Getting lost isn’t always from misdirections. Getting lost in creativity and what God has inspired you to do can heal, inspire, and produce incredible things. Because after all, he is the all time greatest teacher and Creator. 

Never Stop Shooting 


Hope In The Desert


The Light That’s Shining