“There was no escaping this.
The only direction to go was through.
To go forth and defeat this stealthy but devastating thing.
We rallied all bits of courage to paralyze our fears as would be needed.
The walls that separated us from the enemy outside were starting to fall and crumble to stone.
Our vulnerability was everywhere.
Above, daylights serenity had turned black as night. Drab clouds weakened our visions for better days.
Snarling winds muted the sounds of victory and snagged our high banner of dreams.
Trembling under the weight, under the burden, under the foot of this monster, we’d fall, but rise back up. Defeat was only going to be upon the enemy. For that was our attitude and the manner we portrayed.
We were going to fight all the way to the end. And the end. . . it finally came.
The endless beatings and relentless pulls upon our strength, heart, mind, and soul were not enough.
The madness that stormed was soon silenced. Hope had been regained. Clouds started to break, revealing light.
Farther, the clouds separated, and brighter the light in our eyes sparked.
We finally broke it. We broke through the chains and shackles.
We broke through the grim wall that couldn’t be seen or touched.”
“Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day.” Psalm 91:5